Exemption Number:

COVID19 - 1

Regulatory Provision:

FCL  1.025 / FCL 1.245 / FCL 1.246 / FCL 1.370

Company Name:

Royal Jordanian

CARC Approval Number:

28/RJA/EXEM/205 DATED 14 /5/2020

A/C Registration:


Issue Date:

14 /5/2020

Expiry Date:



The Extension of  Validity Periods for Licenses, Ratings, Approvals, Authorizations and Certificates of Aircrew, Instructors and Examiners issued in accordance with JCAR FCL 1 are to be extended for (4) months from the date of expiry for the validity that expires on 15th March until 31st July 2020.

Exemption Document:

(AC-35-COVID19-01( dated 19 April 2020).

Exemption Number:

COVID19 - 2

Regulatory Provision:

FCL 1.245 / FCL 1.246

Company Name:

Jordan Aviation

CARC Approval Number:

28/JAV/EXEM/206 DATED 14/5/2020

A/C Registration:


Issue Date:


Expiry Date:



The Extension of  Validity Periods for Licenses, Ratings, Approvals, Authorizations and Certificates of Aircrew, issued in accordance with JCAR FCL 1 are to be extended for (4) months from the date of expiry for the validity that expires on 15th March until 31st July 2020.

Exemption Document:

(AC-35-COVID19-01( dated 19 April 2020).


Exemption Number:

COVID19 - 3

Regulatory Provision:

FCL 1.245 / FCL 1.246

Company Name:

Arab Wings

CARC Approval Number:

28/AW/EXEM/204 DATED 14/5/2020

A/C Registration:


Issue Date:


Expiry Date:



The Extension of  Validity Periods for Licenses, Ratings, Approvals, Authorizations and Certificates of Aircrew, issued in accordance with JCAR FCL 1 are to be extended for (4) months from the date of expiry for the validity that expires on 15th March until 31st July 2020.

Exemption Document:

(AC-35-COVID19-01( dated 19 April 2020).


Exemption Number:

COVID19 - 4

Regulatory Provision:

FCL 1.245 / FCL 1.246

Company Name:

Royal Flight

CARC Approval Number:

28/ROYAL FLIGHT/EXEM/207 DATED 14/5/2020

A/C Registration:


Issue Date:


Expiry Date:



The Extension of  Validity Periods for Licenses, Ratings, Approvals, Authorizations and Certificates of Aircrew, issued in accordance with JCAR FCL 1 are to be extended for (4) months from the date of expiry for the validity that expires on 15th March until 31st July 2020.

Exemption Document:

(AC-35-COVID19-01( dated 19 April 2020).


Exemption Number:

COVID19 - 5

Regulatory Provision:

FCL 1.025 /FCL 1.245 / FCL 1.246

Company Name:

Solitaire Air/ Fly Jordan

CARC Approval Number:

28/SOL. /EXEM/195 DATED 14 /5/2020

A/C Registration:


Issue Date:


Expiry Date:



The Extension of  Validity Periods for Licenses, Ratings, Approvals, Authorizations and Certificates of Aircrew, issued in accordance with JCAR FCL 1 are to be extended for (4) months from the date of expiry for the validity that expires on 15th March until 31st July 2020.

Exemption Document:

(AC-35-COVID19-01( dated 19 April 2020).


Exemption Number:

COVID19 - 6

Regulatory Provision:

Part 66.40

Company Name:

Royal Jordanian

CARC Approval Number:

18/REG/EXEM/1351 DATED 28 /5/2020

A/C Registration:


Issue Date:

28 /5/2020

Expiry Date:



The Extension of  Validity Periods for Licenses and Ratings, of Aircraft Maintenance License Holders  issued in accordance with JCAR Part 66 are to be extended for (4) months from the date of expiry for the validity that expires on 15th March until 31st July 2020.

Exemption Document:

AC-35-COVID19-01 (dated 19 April 2020