- AC - 28 - 01 - 002. AOC Certification and Oversight
- AC - 28 - 01 - 003.AOC Variation - Amendment to AOC and/or Operations Specifications
- AC - 28 - 01 - 004.Performance Based Navigation (PBN) Approvals
- AC - 28 - 01 - 005.Minimum Navigation Performance Specification (MNPS) Approval
- AC - 28 - 01 - 006.Reduced Vertical Separation Minimum (RVSM) Approval
- AC - 28 - 01 - 007.Extended Range Operation Twin Engine Airplanes (ETOPS) Approval
- AC - 28 - 01 - 008.Electronic Flight Bag (EFB) Approval
- AC - 28 - 01 - 009.Dangerous Goods (DGs) Transport by Air Approval
- AC - 28 - 01 - 010.Initial Safety Training Approval
- AC - 28 - 01 - 011.Recent Experience
- AC - 28 - 01 - 012.Cabin Crew Training and Checking Program
- AC - 28 - 01 - 013.Flight Dispatcher Training and Checking Program
- AC - 28 - 01 - 014.Dangerous Goods (DGs) Training Program Approval
- AC - 28 - 01 - 015.Supplementary Training Program
- AC - 28 - 01 - 016.Flight Instructors (FIs) Acceptance
- AC - 28 - 01 - 017.Flight Examiners (FEs) Authorization
- AC - 28 - 01 - 018.Line Training Captain (LTC) Authorization
- AC - 28 - 01 - 019.Line Check Captain (LCC) Authorization
- AC - 28 - 01 - 020.Operators Internal Training Program
- AC - 28 - 01 - 021.Line Flying Under Supervision (LFUS) Requirements
- AC - 28 - 01 - 022.Flight Synthetic Training Devices (FSTD) Approval to Use - ZFTT Approval
- AC - 28 - 01 - 025.Ground Examiners (GEs) Authorizations
- AC - 28 - 01 - 026.Minimum Equipment List (MEL) Approval
- AC - 28 - 01 - 027.Airplane Lease Approvals