• Uponcompletion of the report and distribution to the concernedsides, a presentation may be held by AAIU IIC, subject to DGCAA order / approval, to the public or the concerned people.

The following are the subjects to be presented:

  1. Repot information including information, analysis, conclusions, and recommendations.         
  2. Any actions are taken during the investigation.
  3. Any correspondences.
  4. Any requested prompt actions.
  5. Investigation constraints.
  • If any of the attendants introduced his objection about any point in the report, the presenter should review the objection and evaluate it, if the objection seemed valid, he should put a note and try to answer it later, if he couldn’t answer in the presentation time.
  • The presentation should be in a complete manner, and introduced by using the most suitable means, Power Point Software Program may be used.