Considering the rapid and wide spread of COVID19 in many countries, Jordan Civil Aviation Regulatory Commission (JCARC) is continuously monitoring related proceedings and news related to the matter and closely pursuing its finest details of the COVID19 impact on the air transport sector.

October 2019, JCARC started its campaign against the communicable diseases and for the second year in raw


  • JCARC organized in cooperation with Sanofi Pasteu “one of the largest influenza vaccine manufacturer in the world” a conference aimed at raising awareness about communicable diseases with a special focus on influenza prevention and shedding light on the serious impact of influenza on life, society and the economy. Also, to raise awareness about taking effective measures to prevent the spread of infectious diseases due to the increasing sophistication of the global air transport system and the air operations necessary to ensure the safe operation of aircraft.
  • JCARC launched a flu vaccine campaign over the past two years for all employees working for the Commission.
  • Awareness tips have been distributed to protect personnel working at Jordanian Airports from the spread of influenza and displaying that on information screens at the entrances to the commission and at public service centers.

December 2019, JCARC conducted a meeting at the level of operational managers and representatives of all airlines and training academies operating in Jordan to stand on combating the communicable diseases and preventing its spread.

In response to the worldwide COVID19 outbreak, JCARC intensified efforts to strengthen precautionary measures including:

  • Business continuity plan was developed and implemented at the level of JCARC by its regulatory side. In addition to several CEO directives considering the intensive measures regarding meetings, participation to international activities, sterilizing and cleaning of buildings and offices, customer-service areas related procedures and personnel protection in transportation plans. (attachment 1)
  • Business continuity plan was developed and implemented at the level of Air Navigation Services Provider at JCARC. (attachment 2)
  • Risk assessment methodology was developed by JCARC and implemented at the national level to take the right and graduated decision regarding air transport connectivity with other countries in where COVID19 outbreak is reported. (attachment 3)
  • A special meeting was held with all operating stakeholders at the airports with the aim of guidance, awareness, analysis, risk assessment to take precautionary measures dealing with the virus. Also, to identify a focal point from each entity updating the emails and the main and alternate phone numbers.
  • Distributing awareness and informational brochures about the COVID19, on the definition of the virus, symptoms, transmission methods and prevention procedures for all airport workers, and circulating updated recommendations and reports regarding the emerging COVID19 issued by the World Health Organization to all stakeholders including operating entities at national airports.
  • Installing thermal scanners at all airports in Jordan in where all procedures recommended by the World Health Organization are implemented in this regard in coordination with the relevant government entities.
  • Conducting regular meetings with all airport workers, in order to give the participants a brief on the latest developments of the spread of the Corona virus and its implications for the air transport sector.
  • Conducting regular meetings with the WHO office in Jordan to discuss developments and implications of the COVID 19 virus and prevent its spread.
  • Announcement was published for Jordanian citizens abroad who are having difficulty securing their return to Jordan as a result of canceling / postponing flights to communicate with JCARC.
  • Publishing all necessary awareness-raising procedures and guidelines for all airport workers, aircraft crews and travelers regarding COVID19 on JCARC’s website and the social media official accounts.