- Desired Manual.
Airlines must prepare a manual / plan for handling aircraft disasters containing victims’ families handling policy and procedures.
The prepared manual / plan must be submitted to DGCAA for acceptance.
- b.Manual contents.
- Manual contents: the manual required by paragraph a. above must include instructions and information necessary to conduct the duties and responsibilities listed in the following paragraphs c. and d.
- The manual / plan must be in a form that is easy to revise, have the date of last revision on each page and not in contrary to any applicable civil aviation law or regulations of Jordan.
- The manual / plan may be in one or more separate parts.
- Notification.
Upon occurrence of an aircraft accident, the involved airline or commercial operator must notify the AAIU immediately upon and:
- Provide place of incident (or general vicinity of incident), number of passengers and crew based on preliminary departure information and number of injured and fatalities (if known).
- Provide flight number, origination, connection points and final destination (if known), and whether the flight was domestic or international.
- Provide name and telephone number of the person who is in overall charge of the accident site.
- Provide name, telephone number and location of the hotel that has been designated as the Joint Family Assistance Support Center (JFASC).
- Provide name and telephone number of the person responsible for the passenger manifest.
- Provide name and telephone number of the person responsible for family notification.
- Family assistance.
Airlines and commercial operators must establish an integrated system to comply with the requirements of JCAR part 2201 and this handbook.
The system must be documented by the desired manual in a. above, which will prescribe provisions to:
- Provide the public a reliable publicized toll free number with sufficient telephone capacity.
- Provide timely notification to family members of passengers who may consist of a continuous process of updates based upon manifest reconciliation with boarding documents (ticket lifts, ticket readers, final gate check-in name list). It is recommended that passenger information be provided to family members as it becomes known. Do not wait until all names on the check-in manifest are confirmed before notifying individual family members.
- Provide AAIU, upon request, the most current reconciled copy of the passenger manifest. Each copy should be numbered or annotated so it can be distinguished from previous copies.
The list is the consolidated list of all passengers embarked on all flight’s routings, including connecting flight passengers confirmed to be aboard.
- Secure facilities at departure, arrival, and connecting airports where family members may be initially gathered to protect them from media and solicitors, as well as to receive continuous updates on the reconciliation of the passenger manifest and other information on the crash. If at a secured facility, family members will be notified personally and privately by personnel trained in crisis response and death notification that their loved one was on the plane.
- Provide logistical support to family members who desire to travel to the accident site (or to a hospital location), which includes, but is not limited to, transportation, lodging, meals, security, communications, and incidentals. Factors to consider in selecting a facility are quality of rooms and size of facilities, privacy for family members, and relative location to medical examiner’s office, temporary morgue, airport operations, crash site, and medical treatment facilities.
- Inform family members at an appropriate-time, but as early as possible after being notified, that it is critical that they contact their family dentist to obtain the dental records and dental x-rays of their loved one. Ask the family to have the records and x-rays overnight expressed to the address of the hotel where the JFASC will be located. The family may arrange to hand carry these documents. It should be explained that dental records and x-rays are critical in the victim identification process. If the family is already at the site or arrives without making arrangement with their dentist, forensic medicine personnel will coordinate with family’s dentist to obtain dental records and x-rays.
- Make provisions for a JFASC to include space, communication and logistical support for the assisting staff.
- Make provisions for private areas within the hotel for medical examiner personnel to collect ante-mortem information from families at the site. Also provide quiet space and communications for medical examiner personnel to telephonically collect ante-mortem information from families who decide to stay away from the site.
- Provide Foreign Ministry representative necessary information on foreign passengers to facilitate interaction with appropriate foreign government embassies.
- Provide notification to family members prior to releasing passenger names to the public. Family members should be given appropriate time to notifying other family members and friends prior to public release of the victim’s name. The carrier is under no obligation to release the victim’s name if family members do not wish the victim’s name to be released.
- Provide the media with continuous updates on the progress of the notification process, such as providing the number of victims’ families notified as of a certain time and the number remaining to be notified. This process will continue until all victims’ families have been notified.
- Assist family members as they travel to and from the site by informing flight crews and airport personnel that family members are on particular flights. At departure, connecting, and arrival airports, family members should have airline personnel meet and assist them while on airport grounds. If necessary, seek assistance from other carriers who may have a larger presence at the airport. Assist family members as they depart the accident site and provide a contact person who will continue to be the airline interface with the family after the family returns to their residence.
- Provide a contact person to meet family members as they arrive and accompany them at the accident site. This person will be responsible for assisting the family while at the site and should continue to be the airline interface with the family until the family returns to their residence. At that time the airline may decide to designate a single contact person for all family members.
- Maintain daily contact with family members who do not travel to the accident site by providing a contact person from the airline.
- Establish a badge system to identify family members.
- Establish a joint liaison with Red Crescent at each supporting medical treatment facility to track the status of injured victims and to provide assistance to their families.
- Develop procedures for the handling of personal effects not being held as evidence for purposes of a criminal or accident investigation. Provisions will be made for unclaimed possessions to be retained for at least 18 months from the date of the crash.
- Designate an individual who will be the airline’s representative to the AAIU. This individual will travel to various locations, such as accident site, morgue, JFASC. The designated individual should be trained, competent and have the authority or ready access to those who have sufficient authority to make decisions on behalf of the airline.
- Coordinate with the Ministry of Justice in arranging meetings with family members to explain their rights under the legislation, if the crash is declared a crime.
- Provide all necessary actions and services for the victims’ funerals according to his / her traditional aspects.
- Provide the same support and treatment of families of non-revenue passengers and any other victim of the accident as for revenue passengers.
- Participate in daily coordination meetings to review daily activities, resolve problem areas.
- In addition to all expenses required to fulfill the above items, provide expenses to assist at least one of the victim’s family members.