It is appropriate to review the regulations under which inspectors may demand immediate access to the accident scene when conducting inspections for AAIU or FSD. If the Investigator / Inspector has difficulty in gaining access to inspect and photograph the accident scene due to objection by the Law Enforcement Party Officers, remind them that aircraft accident and incident investigations are a Governmental matter and that no other authority has any legal or right to hide the wreckage or refuse access to it for as long as access is required.
AAIU Inspectors as well as FSD Inspectors involved in these matters will be covered by their credentials, which allow their access to any site and any materials. Other officials such as Consultants, Advisors assistants to team members, will be granted temporary passes.
government has custody of the wreckage by law and that custody will be released upon completion of the investigation by completing Aircraft Wreckage Release Form (Form No. 31-12, appendix 2).
AAIU Investigators permanent credential cards (Form No. 31-14) Temporary passes (Form No. 31-15)
Jordan Civil Aviation Law of 1985 (articles 141,142 and 144) , require any person having custody of an aircraft, or other property involved in an aircraft accident, to permit accredited AAIU investigators to have access to the aircraft and / or the accident scene and conduct all inspections necessary for a proper investigation. FSD personnel investigating an accident under delegation from AAIU are accredited AAIU investigators while operating pursuant to the delegation and are, therefore, entitled to demand access under the above law articles.
If confronted with a person who resists granting access, the investigator should first inform that person of the above law articles and regulations. If access is still not granted the investigator should immediately notify AAIU IIC who, in his turn, will take the legality procedures and will consult the Legal Advisor if required.