2.1 General Principles
2.2 Aerodrome Operator Issues
2.3 Communications (Language, Radiotelephony, Phraseologies and Procedures)
2.4 Aircraft Operator Issues
2.5 Air Traffic Services Issues
2.6 Data collection and Lesson sharing
2.7 Regulatory Issues / JCAA
2.8 Aeronautical Information services
A. Bibliography
B. Communications Guidance
C. Guidelines for local Runway Safety Teams
D. Airside Vehicle Driver Training
E. Flight Crew Best Practices
F. Air Traffic Controller Best Practices


1. Purpose
Runway safety is a vital component of aviation safety as a whole. With the predicted growth of air traffic, the actual numbers of incidents are likely to rise, unless runway incursion prevention program is effectively  implemented.

Although runway safety includes issues such as foreign objects, debris and wildlife straying onto the runway and other technical deficiencies, this publication specifically addresses the subject of runway incursion prevention.

The requirements, when implemented, will enhance runway safety by the consistent and harmonized application of existing ICAO provisions, improving controller – pilot - vehicle driver communications and working procedures at the airport, and by the subsequent increase in situational awareness.

The requirements have been divided into specific  operational areas .Those areas are aerodrome operators ,communication fields ,aircraft operators ,air traffic services ,aeronautical information services and finally the CAA as regulator. It is essential all parties  involved   should take an overview of all requirements to optimize their own contribution to enhance aviation safety. Guidance material which may be of assistance, is contained in the appendices to this publication.

Effective Date: This publication becomes effective July 1st 2006.


Capt. Suleaman obeidat
Director General
Civil Aviation Authority


2.1 - General principles





At individual airports, a Runway Safety Team should be established to lead action on local runway safety issues.

2.1.2 Appendix C

A local runway safety awareness campaign should be initiated at each airport for Air Traffic Controllers,

Pilots and Drivers and other personnel who operate on or near the runway.


2.1.3Appendix C

Confirm that all infrastructure, practices and procedures relating to runway operations are in compliance with ICAO provisions.


Where practicable, ensure that specific joint training and familiarization in the prevention of runway incursion is provided, to the pilots, air traffic controllers and vehicle drivers, to increase understanding of the roles and difficulties of personnel working in other areas.

2.2 - Aerodrome Operator Issues 



Verify the implementation of Annex 14 provisions and implement maintenance programmes relating to Runway operations e.g. markings, lighting, signage. Ensure that signs and markings are clearly visible, adequate and unambiguous in all relevant  conditions.

2.2.2Appendix A


Works in progress - Ensure that information about temporary work areas is adequately disseminated and that temporary signs and markings are clearly visible, adequate and unambiguous in all relevant conditions.

2.2.3 Appendix A

Implement safety management systems in accordance with ICAO provisions.



Ensure a continued focus on runway safety in internal audit activities.

2.2.5Appendix D

Introduce a formal Driver training and assessment programme, or where already in place review against the Driver training guidelines.

2.2.6Appendix B

Introduce formal communications training and assessment for Drivers and other personnel who operate on or near the runway.


Implement the standard ICAO naming conventions for taxiways.

Appendix A

2.3 - Communications

(Language, Radiotelephony, Phraseologies and Procedures)  


Use full aircraft or vehicle call signs for all communications associated with runway operations.

2.3.2​​​​​​​Appendix B

Verify the use of standard ICAO RTF phraseologies.

Appendix A

Appendix B


Use the ICAO read-back procedure (including Drivers and other personnel who operate on the maneuvering area).

Appendix A

Appendix B

Appendix E


Improve situational awareness, when practicable, by conducting all communications associated with runway operations using aviation English.

Appendix B



Improve situational awareness, when practicable, by conducting all communications associated with runway operations on a common frequency.

Appendix B


2.4 - Aircraft Operator Issues





Provide training and assessment for Pilots regarding Aerodrome signage, markings and lighting.

Appendix E


Pilots shall not cross stop bars when lining up or crossing a runway, unless contingency procedures are in force, for example to cover cases where the stop bars or controls are unserviceable.

Appendix A

Appendix E Appendix F


Ensure that flight deck procedures contain a requirement for explicit clearances to cross any runway.



When in receipt of line-up clearance, Flight crew must advise ATC if they will need to hold on the runway for more than 90 seconds beyond the time it would normally be expected to depart



Promote best practices on flight deck procedures while taxiing - to include the “Sterile flight deck” concept.

Appendix E 


Promote best practices for pilots planning of ground operations.

Appendix E


2.5 – Air Traffic Services Issues.





 Implement safety management systems in accordance with ICAO provisions.



Survey the different methods and techniques in use to indicate to controllers that a runway is temporarily obstructed and recommend Best Practice.



Whenever practical give ATC en-route clearance prior to taxi.

Appendix F


Aircraft shall not be instructed to cross red stop bars when entering or crossing a runway unless contingency measures are in force, e.g. to cover cases where the stop bars or controls are unserviceable.

Appendix A

Appendix F


Ensure that ATC communication messages are not long or complex.

Appendix B


Ensure that ATC procedures contain a requirement for explicit clearances to cross any runway

Appendix A

Appendix F


Use standard taxi routes when practical to minimize the potential for pilot confusion, on or near the runway.

Appendix A


Where applicable use progressive taxi instructions to reduce pilot workload and the potential for confusion.

Appendix F


Avoid infringing sight lines from the tower and assess visibility restrictions from the tower, which have a potential impact on the ability to see the runway, and disseminate this information as appropriate. Recommend improvement when possible and develop appropriate procedures.

Appendix A


Ensure that runway safety issues are included in training and briefing for ATC staff.

Appendix F


Identify any potential hazards of runway capacity enhancing procedures when used individually or in combination and if necessary develop appropriate mitigation strategies. (Intersection departures, multiple line up, conditional clearances etc.)



Do not issue line up clearance to an aircraft if this aircraft will be required to hold on the runway for more than 90 seconds beyond the time it would normally be expected to depart.



When using multiple line-ups, do not use oblique or angled taxiways that limit the ability of the Flight crew to see the runway threshold.



2.6 - Data collection and lesson sharing





Promote the implementation of occurrence reporting compatible with an international harmonized reporting system.



Improve the quality of runway occurrence data.


2.7 - Regulatory Issues / JCAA





Confirm that all infrastructure, practices and procedures relating to runway operations are in compliance with ICAO provisions.

Appendix A


Make the appropriate regulations available to ensure implementation of safety management systems in accordance with the applicable standards.




Ensure that safety assurance documentation for operational systems (new and modified) demonstrates compliance with regulatory and safety management system requirements.



Civil Aviation Safety Units should focus on runway safety in their inspection activities.

Appendix G


Certify aerodromes according to ICAO provisions, Annex 14.

Appendix A


2.8 - Aeronautical Information Services


2.8.1 Significant aerodrome information which may affect operations on or near the runway should be provided to pilots ‘real-time’ using radio communication.


2.8.2 Verify that the collection, provision and dissemination of the content of aeronautical information are in accordance with ICAO provisions.


2.8.3 Providers of databases and charts of aeronautical information (including Aircraft Operators) must establish a process with AIS with the objective of ensuring the data accuracy, timeliness, availability and integrity.


2.8.4 Ensure that an accuracy feedback process exists for the users of aeronautical information.


2.8.5 The ergonomics of Maps and Charts and relevant documentation should be improved to enhance their readability and usability.


2.8.6 Aerodrome operators to provide aeronautical information in standard format.